The Benefits of Vinyl Sunrooms for Anderson, IN, Residents
If you’re considering having a new sunroom installed at your home in or near Anderson, Indiana, you’re likely weighing the many pros and cons of the various sunroom construction materials—vinyl and aluminum being two of the most common. Vinyl is the more popular of the two materials and offers a slew of distinct benefits, such as:
Gorgeous Aesthetics
Vinyl sunrooms offer a super-clear color that provides an uninhibited view of the outdoors in addition to a number of customization options. And the vinyl sunrooms we at Surber’s Windows and Doors offer also don’t show any wiring, fasteners, or screws, making for a sleek, clean look you’ll love. Let your home become the envy of the block!
Our vinyl sunrooms are impact resistant, so they won’t show unsightly dents from weather damage. They also won’t oxidize, corrode, or rust over the years from exposure to salt or humidity—something that’s ideal for the oft-snowy winters Indiana residents are accustomed to.
Easy Maintenance
While aluminum is often susceptible to scratches, requiring regular painting, vinyl sunrooms maintain their appearance with effortless maintenance. Thanks to their scratch resistance, they don’t require regular upkeep to keep them looking great.
Let’s Get Started
At Surber’s Windows and Doors, we’re ready and waiting to get started on a vinyl sunroom addition at your Anderson, Indiana, residence. We have decades of experience installing sunrooms for Indiana homeowners, and we’ve long maintained an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, so you can trust us with the job! To learn more about our process or to have any of your questions answered, contact us today to schedule a free consultation at your home.